Eenos is currently unavailable , Unauthorized

Sometimes if you log in to the Eenos control panel, you may see an unauthorized page with the following message.

Eenos is currently unavailable
Please contact eenos technical support to resolve this issue

This is generally a license issue. You may be using the wrong IP to activate the Eenos license.

If your server have both IPv6 and IPv4 IP, the Eenos license system gives priority to the IPv4 IP. So you need to activate the license for the IPv4 IP.

To find the correct license IP run the following command in the server terminal.

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -ip

You may send this result to Eenos support to change the license IP . After changing the license IP run the following commands in the server terminal.

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -i
/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -u
/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -c

This will activate the license and you can now login to the control panel.

Invalid System ID
If you see this message, that means your server doesn’t have a valid system ID in /etc/machine-id. To set up a machine-id run the following command

# rm -f /etc/machine-id

# systemd-machine-id-setup --commit --print

You can read more about the machine-id setup from the page